Candy Crush Saga Level Types Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level Types Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level Types Hints

On this page we’ll explain the different type of levels in Candy Crush Saga. Every Level type needs a different approach. Read the information and you’ll get passed the levels faster.

Candy Crush Saga Level Types

Moves Levels in Candy Crush Saga

In the Moves Levels you’ll get a limited amount of moves. With the moves you got you’ve to get the point score which is set for the level you’re playing. In the’ Moves Level Type’ it’s advisable to create special candies. This will save a lot of moves and will get you in the next level much quicker.

Jelly Levels in Candy Crush Saga

In the Jelly Levels you’ve to get rid of all the jellies in the playing field. Most of the time the Jelly Levels are filled with obstacles as well. In the Jelly Levels you’ll be able to use the Jelly Fish booster. This booster helps you to get rid of the Jellies in the playing field. Most levels in Candy Crush Saga are Jelly Levels.

Time Levels in Candy Crush Saga

The ‘Time Limit Levels’ are difficult levels. In this type of level you have to get a score with a set time limit. There are not many levels with time limit in Candy Crush Saga. So make sure you check which type of level you’re playing before you start playing. Before you know you’re out of time.

Ingredients Levels in Candy Crush Saga

The ‘Ingredients Levels’ are tricky levels. You have to play all the ingredients to the bottom of the board. Most of the time the ingredients are placed on places on the board which are hard to reach. A good way to play this levels is to get rid of the obstacles first with special candies. Combining two special candies in one move is really helpful as well.

Candy Levels in Candy Crush Saga

The ‘Candy Levels’ are nice levels. You’ve to get rid of a certain number of candies in the playing field. This level type is ideal for special candies which crush many candies in one move. By using those special candies you’ll pass the levels really fast. Boosters to use are: Sweet Tooth, or combine two special candies in one move.